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UPGRADING: Palletizer Upgrade? It’s likely overdue.

Do you know that old dusty thing tucked away in your plants’ warehouse that no one ever thinks about but is likely one of the most critical assets you own? The dreaded palletizing system – most don’t understand its unique complexity has an aura of “don’t disturb the sleeping giant”. As a result of the stigma it’s frequently been poorly maintained, never upgraded, and not afforded a good Preventative Maintenance program. All this neglect despite being one of the hardest running pieces of equipment in your plant. It handles all of your production 24/7/365, running all day, every day, no matter what you throw at it When things go wrong with the palletizer there are two possible solutions, shut down production or hand stack. Shutting down production is a doomsday scenario. Hand stacking is a significant challenge because of the lack of people to dedicate to the high task. It’s not a farfetched scenario but imagine what would happen if it breaks down and the repair requires a number of obsolete parts that you can’t find, support, or replace anymore, even on E-Bay. Replacing an entire palletizing system is a large undertaking both from a logistics, financial and time sink standpoint. However, like other equipment, it can be treated as a targeted risk based obsolescence upgrade that considers the relevant mechanical and electrical issues.
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PROJECT MANAGEMENT: How Not to Get Lost in the Weeds: Keeping Your Work on Track

When we find ourselves entrenched in daily tasks and responsibilities, there is a tendency to get hyper-focused, putting our noses to the grindstone, and not taking the time to come up from the trenches to smell the roses.
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PROJECT MANAGEMENT: 7 Helpful Hints for Your First Project as an Engineer

Every engineer starts their career with their first project.  It’s an awesome and exhilarating feeling to manifest all your education and preparation to contribute to the greater good of a project.  In all that excitement it is possible to get caught up in the pressure and skip some key rules to make the most out of the experience and be successful.  Here is the list of “must do’s” that I developed from my experience and based on feedback from a number of other experienced engineers.
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DESIGN PLANNING: A Solid Foundation for Design

Just like when you build a house, before you do anything on an automation effort, no matter how great (or small) the task, you should always start with a solid foundation. In the manufacturing automation and information system world that foundation is design.
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Plant Data

Everyone collects an exuberant amount of industrial data about their products, materials, and processes. And as we have also discussed at-length, manufacturers continue to struggle to completely leverage this data.  Raw data tables and reports tend to be the most common, but they are often tied to the plant floor or use specialized software that is limited in its accessibility so it cannot be beneficial for all of the stakeholders involved.
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