Industrial Automation as a Service (IAAS)

Home / Industrial Automation as a Service (IAAS)

Bridging the skills gap continues to be a priority for many manufacturing facilities. Whether you’re struggling with an overburdened in-house engineering team spread thin on multiple capital projects or lacking the bandwith to focus on important automation asset life cycle upgrades, improvements and maintenance, Avanceon’s new Industrial Automation as a Service offering (IASS) provides the consistent level of engineering services necessary to innovate new or improved solutions, maintain and upgrade technology and continually build process efficiency and reliability. For customers who have not yet incorporated the latest technology to their production advantage or are dissatisfied with the cost and progress of improving production. Avanceon’s IAAS offering provides customized solutions to proactively meet manufacturing challenges.


Business Overview

The Avanceon IAAS offers single-cost, value-added services for upgrading, maintaining, and improving customer systems and training customers to operate them. It’s designed to help our clients maximize value from their automation assets while controlling their support and development costs. The IAAS model provides:

A reliable Center of Competence

Unique technology tools
Additional expert personnel when and where necessary
Solutions, factory automation, and process optimization expertise with no capital investment
Scalable services for planning, implementing, and/or expanding changes with minimal increases in monthly spend




The commercial model for the IAAS service is based upon a traditional SLA model.

Avanceon bills IAAS on a fixed monthly or quarterly fee with contracts ranging from one to five years