Author Archives: Frank Burger

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Building a Culture of Continuous Learning – Part 1

Over the years, whenever a conversation would turn to topics like continuing education, I would always get a chuckle in response to my standard answer: “The most important thing I learned in school is never to go back.” Looking back, it wasn’t terribly funny, and the laughs were probably just polite.
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Launching Your Career – Career Blog Series Pt 3

Not completely sure if this blog is a hip hangout for those in the under-20 set, but maybe it will go viral. That’s a good thing, right?
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Staying – Career Blog Series Pt 2

In my “Do What You Want” blog, I proposed that the perceived need to job hop every few years is a false one, and that it’s actually doing us harm by creating stress and making us leave perfectly good jobs.
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Do What You Want – Career Blog Series Pt 1

It’s accepted wisdom that most professionals, especially those pesky millennials, will and/or should change jobs every 3 to 5 years. It’s generally agreed that this is the “new” way to send your career into overdrive, rake in dump trucks full of money, and gain the undying admiration of your peers.
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Dr. Who, Darth Vader, and the Sharing of Good Ideas

An office full of engineers. Different skills, different experience, different projects. Two things they all share (aside from Doctor Who screen savers and Darth Vader bobbleheads) are a need to get the job done and an almost compulsive drive to tell the world how they did it.
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