Author Archives: Sue Schlegel

Home / Articles posted by Sue Schlegel

Challenging Labor Shortages: Options to Mitigate

In today’s age, we are vastly approaching a crisis. The manufacturing and industrial world is challenged with a limited number of employees wanting to work in the industry. Furthermore, Baby Boomers, the main knowledge base in factory operations, are retiring. These experienced people are so seasoned in their ways that they often have not taken the time to document exactly what they accomplish, and most importantly what their tricks of the trade are, day in and day out. Thus, institutional knowledge retires with the Boomers and is not passed to the next generation.
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The Value behind the words “College Athlete” in the Workforce

After a recent conversation with my daughter, who is a Division 1 athlete and Engineering Major, I was struck by the fact that she is going to be prepared for the real world in a number of dimensions beyond that of a NARP (Non Athletic Regular-Person what college athletes call students who do not participate in sports).
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Listen: Don’t Assume

Over the years, I have learned, sometimes the hard way, that in order to be successful in business and in life, you really need to know how to listen and be confident to ask the right questions.
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Work Life Balance – How to Find It

With three kids’ college educations on the horizon, my husband and I decided that unless we wanted to retire and live in a shack, I should look at working full-time. My twelve years working professionally part-time fortunately had allowed me to spend time with my children when they were young up to this point.
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