What is WOG? – A glimpse into Avanceon’s Associate Advocacy Group
What is WOG? WOG stands for “Work Out Group” the meaning of which has long been lost in the folklore and yester-year within our company, but the fundamental principle shines through our culture daily. WOG is our company’s employee advocacy group.
So back to the original question: What is WOG? It’s a group of employees, nominated and selected by other employees as well as by upper-management, who serve as an intermediary between the two groups. WOG provides an opportunity for non-management associates to have a greater voice in the direction and environment of Avanceon. It’s primary function is to act as an advocate for change. So what does that look like? As WOG reps, we take everyone’s suggestions, concerns, comments, and ‘what-have-yous,’ then we process the information, refine the request and move it forward in the chain of command in a clear and concise manner. Vice-versa, when company leadership want to make a change it is typically rolled out through WOG. Along with being advocates for change, we also review company policies and SOPs; plan and coordinate company’s fundraising and corporate giving strategy, team building parties and events; as well as, serve as a sounding board when leadership needs some input before enacting a change.
One word of advice if you look to implement such a group – Beware the resistance to change! It’s been said that change is the one constant in life. This is especially true in today’s rapidly evolving business world. Every day, new technologies and trends create new opportunities to succeed (or to fail). Implementing change is all about fostering understanding, which is truly an unfolding process. According to oodles of academic research (and normal common sense) there is a natural discomfort associated with change. WOG is there to assist employees through this process by identifying methods for employees to embrace changes. In effect, WOG works to build a culture of commitment to change.
So, whether it be planning the next company event to celebrate our success, bringing our policies into the 21st century, implementing another amazing employee suggestion, or running another fantastic fundraiser, like trivia at lunch, WOG is here to serve as an advocate for change.
Feeling inspired? Let us know how your company manages change.