Key People Without Bandwidth To Define Requirements
Typically, there are key resources in a manufacturing facility that can, based on their experience, point to areas where automation or data access / use improvement is possible. These resources often lack the time and bandwidth to develop a formal plan and return on investment (ROI) documentation to get needed Automation or MES projects off the ground. As a result, there are many projects and programs that never begin, and subsequently do not realize their potential.
From our pool of manufacturing experts, Avanceon will provide resources to quickly and concisely dig into the identified business problem, interview key stakeholders, define requirements and, based on review with the customer, demonstrate positive ROI to gain approval and ultimately implement against form a MES or Automation project perspective. The initial phase of the process is performed onsite at the manufacturing facility and involves interaction with those in the plant that impact the outcome of the solution and project. Subsequent document development and review is performed remotely or via web meeting.
Develop Requirements and ROI Caluculations
Avanceon industry experts will develop key requirements and ROI calculations that allow for the necessary documentation and submittals to help projects get approved and off the ground. This offer allows for manufacturers to have an option when their key resources are bandwidth constrained and the justification / definition of projects bottlenecked. This offer helps manufacturers get improvement initiatives off the ground.
Getting Started
This offer is for Avanceon to provide our senior manufacturing and technology solution experts in MES and / or automation to develop the User Requirements and ROI justification for prescribed customer directed project / area focus. Each requirement and ROI definition is typically 2 to 3 days onsite with associated document development time and review.