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Automating Automation

“Hey, I bet we could automate that!”  Have controls people ever gathered ‘round the kegerator on a Friday afternoon without these words being spoken? Whether it be Christmas lights, banking, or lawn irrigation, there’s nothing we love more than automating things. Heck, we even automate automation.
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Part-time and Professional: Absolutely Perfect!

If you are looking for part-time professional work with flexible hours, then you’ve come to the right place.  Like you, I didn’t think that it existed, but it does – really!
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Creating Wonderware Custom Trend Objects

One of the rolls an SI partner plays with the clients it supports is to enhance the value of technical solutions to provide further business value.
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Reconsider the Present to Improve the Future

Remember the old saying, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results?” Well, a special version of insane must apply to modernization activities. I was recently reminded of this as we embarked on a SharePoint upgrade project. As I worked through some of the migration planning for the new site (we were also migrating from a 3rd party hosted solution to Microsoft 365), I created a number of mappings to move the old site content to the new, maintaining the hierarchy, custom content types and metadata choices that we had defined initially and refined with our first upgrade. As I neared completion, a colleague suggested looking at what was new in 2013. Yes, I thought to myself, that’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll do that once I get through all of this migration stuff to see what we might want to add on.
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10 Great Places to Eat Around Avanceon’s Office

Where can a customer or a new employee grab a great meal? Here a few of my favorites:
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