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New Year Resolutions for Control Engineers

As 2016 comes to an end and we mentally prepare ourselves for the struggle to date everything 2017, it’s time once again for that time-honored tradition: New Year’s resolutions!
We recently asked our control engineers to give us some resolutions they are making for 2017. Here’s what they came up with:
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I Am Not The Enemy! I Am Your Advocate!: Why You Shouldn’t Fear A Quality Audit

I guarantee no one is thrilled to see a calendar invite from me. Why? Chances are I’m asking them to join me in a quality audit review. These meetings aren’t usually anyone’s favorite. But don’t RSVP your excuses just yet! When the following three keys to a successful quality program are in place, the quality auditor has a great opportunity to build a bridge of confidence between the project execution ideal and the reality of everyday project pressures.
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Capsule Training – How to Learn in Small Doses

Do you remember back in ancient times when you went to a training course or bought a new piece of software you received a big fat manual to put on your shelf that you could refer to whenever you had a question or a problem? You pulled it down, flipped to the index and searched for your topic and often it had what you needed. But where are those manuals now? They don’t exist. The world moves too fast, products and topics change too quickly, and (to be quite frank) those things cost too much to produce and use too much paper. So what are we left with? Those same manuals in electronic versions.
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In the bustle of the holiday season, Thanksgiving means different things to different people.  For some, the remembrance of a historic harvest feast, but for others a time to sit back and ponder the things they are most thankful for.  At Avanceon, it is a time to remember the good people, both co-workers and customers alike, that make up our family.  And, to honor the dedication to engineer innovation for manufacturing solutions.
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A Palatable Team Building Event

Avanceon is, generally speaking, split into three business units, or “pods” (and not a day goes by that I don’t make a reference to my “pod people”). As one of the few associates who overlaps pods (I claim possession of Pods 2 and 3), I get to compare and contrast the inner workings of both, and often reap the rewards of a dual involvement. Specifically: pod events.
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