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In Requirements and Life, a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Words can often be one of the least efficient methods of communication. Indeed, language is typically not the most effective tool when we use it to gain agreement on design elements and systems design approach. One of the reasons we employ an agile development methodology is to allow our customers the benefit of actually seeing and touching portions of their solution — an experience that helps them refine or agree on a system design without parsing every word in a sentence and making sure everyone agrees on a definition. Over the past few years we have had success in extending this visual approach to the starting point of agile development – requirements definition – by using UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams.
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Dr. Who, Darth Vader, and the Sharing of Good Ideas

An office full of engineers. Different skills, different experience, different projects. Two things they all share (aside from Doctor Who screen savers and Darth Vader bobbleheads) are a need to get the job done and an almost compulsive drive to tell the world how they did it.
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A Refreshing Change of Pace

Deciding to make a career change as an experienced professional can be a difficult decision. It’s not an easy thing to give up the comfort and stability of the role you have grown accustomed to for the past several years, for a new and uncertain challenge. No matter how diligent you are at asking probing questions during an interview, or pouring over the “About Us” section of a company website, there’s no guarantee that a new role is going to be a perfect fit. But as many personal development experts will tell you, the only way to continue growing is by taking some calculated risks and getting out of your comfort zone.
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A Little FAT is Good for You!

It’s the first day of site commission, and you’re nervous. The new system will work…really. You’re sure of it, aren’t you? After all that time and money, you’d bet your life on it, wouldn’t you? Well…wouldn’t you? Maybe if you had required a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) plan at the beginning of the project you would. That’s the best way to get from might work to will work.
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Get up and move!

Have you ever sat down at your desk only to realize several hours later: What? It’s already time for lunch? I just sat down.
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